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Driver Amd Hudson-1 Amd K14

Amd chipset drivers x570

Dual-chip platforms (processor + chipset, that is) manufactured these days imply that former Northbridge functions are transferred to processor while chipset handles peripherals. Calling one chip a 'chipset' may not seem right already, but we'll stick to the old term. Not all chip manufacturers do the same though: Intel, for example, calls its new Southbridges 'Platform Controller Hubs,' stressing that it manufactures complete platforms rather than sets of chips. In its turn, AMD names its solutions 'Fusion Controller Hubs' (FCH), because 'The Future is Fusion!' In fact, today's chipsets are not as different as it may seem.

Driver Amd Hudson-1 Amd K14

Basic features they perform are similar. As for specific modifications, they may differ a lot within the same lineup, so this isn't something to base comparisons upon. Describing chipsets is somewhat of a thankless task, but it's nevertheless important, because we usually test more than one motherboard from the same family, and there's sense in publishing general information as a separate article.Anyway, today we shall review the second part of AMD's new platform, namely the chipset.

Amd Hudson-1 Amd K14 Driver


Amd Drivers

Or rather chipsets, because AMD plans to roll out as many as seven products for the Hudson family: three mobile, three desktop, and one enterprise & embedded. Most of these solutions are intended for Llano CPUs (or 'APUs' as AMD puts it), which are not yet ready. But Bobcat processors are, as well as A50M, the corresponding lower-end mobile chipset. AMD A50M (Hudson M1) chipset.